Sunday, June 5, 2011

It smells like... Biosolids?

     The question is are Biosolids  good or are they bad for our agriculture? Well first what are biosoilds. Biosolids  also referred to as treated sludge, is a term used by the waste water industry to denote the byproduct of domestic and commercial sewage and waste water treatment. These residuals are further treated to reduce pathogens and vector attraction by any of a number of approved methods (1). In other words its organic matter recycled from sewage in use of agriculture.

Lets take a look at the pros and cons of biosoild (2):

Creates jobs
Biosolids as fertilizer(6)
It is a cost effective method of
Recycles versus filling landfills
Promotes farming
Reduces emissions from
transportation to landfills
Good free fertilizer

Potential health hazard
Effects irreversible
Contamination resulting from
accumulation of industrial waste
Its true composition is unknown
May contain hazardous
Possibly transferable to crops
Decreases property value
Not sufficiently regulated

    Although biosolids may be dangerous, hazardous and have a very bad odour I think it is a great idea to use biosoilds in agriculture considering it is recycled
and in can help our environment in the future. Biosoilds consist of organic matter and essential plant nutrients which can be used as soil abundant and fertilizer.  Organic matter provides soil with more improved qualities such as  moisture holding capacity, aggregation, porosity and tilth(3). These properties
 facilitates the transport of air, water and nutrients throughout the soil, benefiting the establishment and growth of vegetation(3). Biosoilds act as a fertilizer because it
 provides  essential micro ( zinc, copper and iron) and macronutrients ( nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium) that increase vegetation growth and productivity. Biosoilds are a very efficient way to increase the production of vegetation.

One of the largest setback for using biosoilds as a compost is the education of stakeholders. Stakeholders can include biosolids generators, land owners and neighbours, private citizens, government representatives, and non-government organizations (3). Each stakeholder group has specific concerns which must be addressed individually in a professional and conscientious manner (3).
Biosolid fertilizer being distributed in order to grow more vegetation (5)

    As we can see biosoilds can be used for many positive things. Biosoilds help in the production of vegetation and helps provide more quality soil. I believe that if the use of biosoilds increases in our agriculture then we are making a more environmentally friendly choose although
the western view of human waste is seen as an unsanitary and disgusting nuisance.  I think that it is our duty to make people more aware of the necessity of biosoilds in our country.

BLOGS COMMENTED ON: -Natasha richci-fried -Caitlin Cosgrove

WORK CITED (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) picture (6)

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Thanks to Technology

In this picture you can see the glucose stream of a person with diabetes (7)
      The use of technology in the last 50 years has increased so much in people’s everyday lives. One place in particular that technology had played and extreme role is in the health of people. Some technology used today to help people with their health issues are a blood glucose monitor for those with diabetes called Accu-chek. Another invention used is insulin which helps people with diabetes maintain their blood sugar levels. 

      Many people with diabetes do not realize how much of an impact it has on their body and how much of an impact their daily in take of food has toward them. Diabetes- a chronic (lifelong) disease marked by high levels of sugar in the blood. It can cause High blood levels of glucose which leads to several problems, including: Blurry vision; Excessive thirst; Fatigue; Frequent urination (1).Diabetes affects mostly blood sugar and proper circulation. Glucose is a sugar that enters the pancreas the pancreas make insulin, at this time insulin is suppose to move the glucose out of the blood stream and into muscles, fat and liver (1). People with diabetes have higher blood sugar because ether their muscles, fat and liver cells do not take well to insulin or the pancreas do not generate enough insulin (1). High blood sugar is manageable depending on what you eat and drink through out the day. Many doctors recommend self testing blood sugar throughout the day. Their are many new inventions that help people take their own blood sugar at home (1). One device is called  Accu-chek, you use this by using the lancing device which pricks your finger and lets out a bit of blood(2). You then get a test strip which absorbs the blood and in just a few minutes you receive the results of your blood sugar(2). Self testing helps people to get an idea of how well their diet, and medication are working. Also it helps to see if your blood sugar is too high or to low, if it is high or low then it is recommended to see a doctor and get things checked out. The self monitoring device makes it easier for people with diabetes to maintain the proper blood sugar levels and also become more aware of how serious their condition really is.
This device is the Accu-chek which includes the needle,
test strip and the blood intake controller which reads
what the sugar lever is. (6)

This what the insulin used by diabetics looks like. (5)
     Another helpful use of technology would be insulin. Insulin has become another extremely important medication in the lives of many diabetics. It is used to decrease the amount of glucose in the blood stream. It also helps with long term causes to the eyes, kidneys, and the nerves (3). There are three different insulin’s vials, prefilled syringes, and cartridges (3). The most common used are Human recombinant insulin, insulin lispro, insulin aspart, and insulin glargine(3). I feel pretty proud to know that the inventors of insulin were Canadians. Dr. Banting, Best, Macleod and Collip are responsible for this invention created in 1921-22 at the University of Toronto. (4)


  Technology has progressed in the past years, helping people keep control of their illnesses and providing more helpful and accessible tools to living and maintaining a healthier life style.







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Saturday, April 9, 2011

All For Sustianable Agriculture?

industrial agriculture(5)
Industrial agriculture (3)
     In our grocery stores today we see the variety of foods, and the numerous amounts of food we are provided with. Our great demand for food has impacted the food industry and changed the way food is produced. The method of production most commonly used today is industrial agriculture. Industrial agriculture is a food system that emerged in the 20th century that provides large scale agricultural production
Sustainable Agriculture
sustainable agriculture(4)
(1). This includes the production of livestock, poultry, fish and crops. Industrial agriculture has a big effect on our health, and environment were has sustainable agriculture does not.

     There are numerous reasons why our health is at risk with industrial agriculture, one for example is that the industrialized crops contain more nitrate and pesticides(2). The pesticides can cause certain types of cancer.(2) A second example is that  many meat products are prepared in slaughter houses which are not very clean and may be contaminated which causes
epidemic food born illness(2). Studies show that this sickens 76 million people, causes 325,000 hospitalizations, and kills 5,000 people every year (2). Industrial agriculture thrives to produce mass amounts of food in a short period of time disregarding the health of people.

Not only does industrial agriculture have associations with health issues it has a big effect on our environment.  Factory farms have a hug impact on pollution. They pollute the air, water and soil with hazardous gasses, toxic chemicals, and harmful pathogens.(2) Since industrial agriculture contaminates groundwater and surface water with toxic pesticides and fertilizers, this damages the aquatic ecosystems and also effects human health(2). The mass amount of pesticide use also contaminates the soil.

     As we can see industrial agriculture has a huge negative impact on humans. It is efficient to say that sustainable agriculture is the safer and healthier method of production. Sustainable farms do not use pesticides and other harmful chemicals in their food production (2). This makes the food better for our bodies and even helps us fight certain disease, like cancer (2). Since the crops are organic they contain much more vitamins, iron, and magnesium which are greatly needed for our bodies to stay healthy (2).

     Unlike industrial agriculture, sustainable agriculture wants to protect the environment. They do this by managing their farms more responsibly and maintaining their land for future generations. Their farms are not over crowed since they do not raise more animals then sustainable for the farm. By doing this the manure produced by the animal’s substitutes the use of chemical fertilizers, which avoids pollution problems (2).

   It is clear to see which method of production is healthier for humans. Although Sustainable agriculture does not produce as much food and crops as industrial agriculture does it provides us with more clean and safe food.
  It also does not pollute and destroy our environment which at the end of the day I think is more important.

- (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

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Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Designer Babies


There's this idea of the "perfect human" that consists of the parents choosing and designing there baby the way they would want them to look, and the qualities they would want them to have.  the term Designer Baby was introduced by journalists in 2004, which is defined as being, "an infant created by genetic engineering combined with in vitro fertilization in order to ensure the absence or presence of a particular gene or characteristic."

This process allows doctors to screen embryos for genetic disorders in which healthy embryos are picked. This could, in future, lead to cosmetic changes. The advanced technique used is called InVitro Fertilization which fertilizes the sperm in test tubes outside of the mother’s bodies. This reduces the chances of the child being born with a genetic disorder. There is only two legal ways to carry out the advanced reproductive technologies on humans. One is choosing the type of sperm that will fertilize an egg and the second screens embryos for a genetic disease. This is called Pre-implantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD).

This process of fertilization is used to develop the "perfect child." Many parents use this genetic process to change and create their child. I believe this is wrong when the child's appearance, athletic ability and qualities are changed to create this unrealistic person. There wouldn't be any diversity in our culture everyone would look the same and would have this ideal perfect image. It is also wrong if the parents create a child to save another child. It is unfair for the designer baby made to save its sibling. It brings up the question is it for love or for materialistic reasons.  However I believe it is different if the parents change the genes of the child because of health issues that the doctor may have discovered. I understand that a parent would want only the best for their child and if their life was in jeopardy they would do anything they could to save them.

In conclusion this topic is very controversial and depends completely on the situation and the person. I personally do not agree with designing a baby under any circumstances because I believe it goes against creation and morals.,9171,989987,00.html

blogs commented on: -Rachael Chafe -Melissa Quinn

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Tee Canada: Trees do their part... let's do ours

    As human beings the first thing we think of when we hear human interactions with the world we are directed to all the bad things. Although it is true humans have had a large negative impact on the world we have also made a bigger positive impact.                   There are many organizations and projects created to provide a positive effect to biodiversity in the world.                                                                                                (1)
There are many organizations that express positive actions toward providing a better environment. One organization that stands out to me is called Tree Canada. This organization is strictly about planting and caring for trees. Tree Canada was founded in 1992, were it was their instruction to have a positive effect on climate change. The first executive director was named Chuck Geale (later President) also a companied by Carol Anne Esnard, the first Deputy Executive Director (later Vice-President). They also consist of many volunteer workers.  By being a part of Tree Canada you gain education, technical assistance, resources and financial support with the help of working partners coming together to plant and care for trees.

             (2)                                                                            CORE VALUES OF TREE CANADA ARE

…A results-oriented organization dedicated to the delivery of tangible, tree-related programs.
…Dedicated to the principles of stewardship and partnerships.
…An organization responsive to people, that takes pride in giving top notch service
…National in scope, community in focus.
Engaged in the greening of Canada and believes in  "Trees to Live"


            As an organization Tree Canada wants to promote the importance of the life of trees.  They do so by the mass amounts of volunteers involved. These volunteers constantly promote the significance of tree life and the way you, as a citizen, can help save and care for trees. Tree Canada demonstrates the empowerment in communities to sustain the life of trees in urban and rural areas.
                                                        This image captures the  TELUS team contributing by planting trees for their community. 
Any one of us can help Tree Canada continue their distribution of trees all over the country. Tree Canada has planted 76 million trees in Canada with the help of many institutions that have infested their funds towards this organization. Without their help and yours Tree Canada would not be able to share the gift and importance of trees in our Communities. (1) (2) (3)

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